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한국어 교육 이야기/Korean as a foreign language

[Korean Grammar] Subject+이/가, Object+을/를

2022. 2. 5.


0. Before today's lesson

 1) Korean word order

Subject Predicate
그가 일어나요.
He wakes up
Subject Object Predicate
그녀가 밥을 먹어요.
She rice has
Subject Complement Predicate
철수는 학생이 아니예요.
Cheolsu a student is not
Subject Adverbial Predicate
내가 학교에 가요.
I to school go



 2) Postposition

  Korean is a language which basically uses postpositions unlike most European languages. Postposition is a part of speech that is attached to the end of a noun(pronoun, noun phrase) to indicate a grammatical relationship between the word and another word or to add special meaning. On the other hand, European languages usually use preposition which is placed before a noun as the same function.

  For example, when we say "I go to school", 'to' is a preposition. But in Korean we can say "내 학교 가요." In this case, both '가' and '에' are postpositions.

  So we are going to learn what '이/가' and '을/를' mean and how to use them in this lesson.








1. Subject+'이/가'

* Pronunciation: 이[i], 가[ga]


'이/가' are subjective postpositions and written after the subject.

  1. : used after a word ending in a consonant
  2. : used after a word ending in a vowel


For example,

  • 날씨 좋아요. (The weather is nice.)
  • 맛있어요. (A meal is delicious.)
  • 깨끗해요. (A room is clean.)
  • 아빠 요리해요. (Dad cooks.)
  • 동생 울어요. (Younger brother cries.)
  • 토마스 씨 학교에 가요. (Thomas goes to school.)
  • 삼촌 병원에 가요. (Uncle goes to the hospital.)


Words ending in a consonant : 밥, 방, 동생, 삼촌 +

Words ending in a vowel : 날씨, 아빠, 토마스 씨 +








2. Object+을/를

* Pronunciation: 을[eul], 를[leul]


'을/를' are objective postpositions and written after the object.

  1. : used after a word ending in a consonant
  2. : used after a word ending in a vowel


For example,

  • 고양이가 물 마셔요. (A cat drinks water.)
  • 친구가 공부 좋아해요. (A friend likes study.)
  • 민디 씨가 점심 먹어요. (Mindy has lunch.)
  • 언니가 스웨터 입어요. (Older sister wears sweater.)
  • 내가 컴퓨터 게임 해요. (I play a computer game.)
  • 엄마가 신문 읽어요. (Mom reads a newspaper.)
  • 형이 모자 써요. (Older brother wears a cap.)


Words ending in a consonant : 물, 점심, 게임, 신문 +

Words ending in a vowel : 공부, 스웨터, 모자 +




Quiz! Fill the blank with the correct postposition among 이/가, 을/를

  1. 아이___ 수영해요.
  2. 의사___ 병원에 가요.
  3. 컵___ 깨끗해요.
  4. 새___ 날아요.
  5. 물___ 차가워요.
  1. 아이 수영해요. (A child swims.)
  2. 의사 병원에 가요. (A doctor goes to the hospital.)
  3. 깨끗해요. (A cup is clean.)
  4. 날아요. (A bird flies.)
  5. 차가워요. (The water is cold.)


  1. 선생님___ 피아노___ 연주해요.
  2. 할머니___ 백신___ 맞아요.
  3. 오빠___ 영화___ 봐요.
  4. 학생___ 그림___ 그려요.
  5. 여자친구___ 차___ 운전해요.
  1. 선생님 피아노 연주해요. (A teacher plays the piano.)
  2. 할머니 백신 맞아요. (Grandma gets vaccine.)
  3. 오빠 영화 봐요. (Older brother watches a movie.)
  4. 학생 그림 그려요. (A student draws a picture.)
  5. 여자친구 운전해요. (Girlfriend drives a car.)


  I hope you can understand it and this lesson would be helpful for you. Thank you for reading it. If you have any question, please feel free to leave comments.



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* Reference: National Institute of the Korean Language, 《Korean grammar for foreigners 1》, 2005.


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